Ombre Vaginal Microbiome Test

And now, a very sensitive subject . . . but what could be more important?!

The Gut Club proudly promotes the Ombre Vaginal Health Test.
Please use our 10% discount code at checkout: GUTCLUB10

Please use our 10% discount code at checkout: GUTCLUB10

Let’s explore the inner-outer space of the human vagina. And what constitutes microbial balance of humanity’s crucial female reproductive organ.

Did you know up to 95% of healthy vaginal bacteria are Lactobacillus?
And Species matters! There are also known racial differences.

Why would Lactobacillus be SO dominant? There are many reasons:
*Lowered pH regulation
*Production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and antimicrobial substances
*Antifungal including Candida
*Successful Pregnancy and Fertility
*Inhibit inflammation (proinflammatory cytokines)

How do Lactobacilli arrive at the vagina? Translocation from the gut?
By way of the lymphatic system? Blood?

Lactobacilli as guardians of humanity; how do they protect the doorway to the reproductive tract?
Can probiotics help? Click on photo for research about probiotics applied to vaginal flora balance.

Discount code: GUTCLUB10 provides a 10% discount for all Ombre products, including the Gut Health Test